Each article here is based on a sermon given in our church, but re-composed for the comfort of reading. We have many more that will be uploaded soon.
“If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” This was one of the many game-changing words of wisdom Jesus uttered. All have sinned and need forgiveness. The forgiveness of Jesus has made his people forgiving. Read more
“ ‘It’s a ghost’, they said, and cried out in fear” I suppose seeing the shape of a man walking across water is weird. I can’t imagine what I would have done. But then the shape spoke saying “It is I. Don’t be afraid”. In other words “Relax, this isn’t bad, it’s me!” Well yes; it was Jesus; it wasn’t bad, but it was scary! Most people experience fear when confronted with the supernatural. Read more
After Peter denied knowing Jesus he was told to feed his sheep. This seems strange, but God has a way of turning our failures into strengths. Like Jacob, those who have struggled with God have something to say, something to teach. Read more
A God of love is a God of relationship - and not a distant relationship, but a close one. Those who have experienced divine intimacy will tell you that there is nothing they would want more. In this post I use the account of the cloud filling Solomon’s temple to make some points about how churches and their worship teams can facilitate divine intimacy. Read more
‘An eye for an eye’ is one of the most quoted statements of the Bible. Like many people today the Jews in Jesus’ day quoted it as justification to take personal revenge. But this was not the original purpose of the term, and in his sermon on a hill overlooking the sea of Galilee Jesus corrected the error. Read more
‘Everything is meaningless!’ This is the cry of Ecclesiastes. Did you ever feel that way? For some it’s a momentary frustration, for others (like atheists) it’s an ongoing philosophy. But the Christian is powerfully gifted to reveal a God who gives life meaning. Read more
Everyone both loved and feared the One behind the curtain. Once a year when the High Priest went behind it, they all waited with a sense of awe. Would he live? Would he hear the voice? Would he return glowing like Moses? The priests lived in tension with that curtain. There were times when it frustrated them; when they most needed the blessing of the Almighty they couldn’t go in. But there were times when they were grateful for it; Read more
Peter walked into a room of Romans – Cornelius’ family and friends. While he was speaking the Spirit descended on them and they began to praise God. It was a baptism from above; Gentiles were joined to Jews in Christ. Can you imagine a room of Romans praising Israel’s God? I would like to have been there! Read more
The church is a corporate body designed to catch the wind of God’s Spirit - we sense what the Spirit is saying and doing together. But while the Spirit is perfect, we are not, and so we need to be coached in how to hear, act and prophesy as one. Read more
When God names us he empowers us. Unstable Simon was called to be Peter, meaning Rock. His weakness became a strength and a ministry. What are you called to be? What is your church called to be? Has God given you a prophetic name? Read more
How exciting it is to build your own house. A new house is a vision being born, an idea becoming reality. The layout and the style are your ideas and you watch with eagerness as each brick is laid. You want the very best materials and the best workmanship because this house is yours. You and I have a Father who is building a house, and he is excited about it. His passion for his house is revealed in Jesus’ Read more
Jesus said we must be ‘born of water and the Spirit.’ What does it mean to be born of water? As we look through the Old Testament we see that God’s people were often born of water. And the New Testament tells us why it’s still essential for Christians today. Read more