Freedom from Slavery

Freedom from Slavery

It was a hot humid morning so I was thankful for the sea breeze that wafted through the palms. Things were quiet, just a few kids calling to the Vervet monkeys in a nearby Baobab. Three wildebeest seemed to be keeping an eye on them a few meters away. Suddenly the tranquil scene was broken by distant shouting. The kids turned and the wildebeest bolted as a lone figure appeared running down the twisting footpath from the sea.

Fool for Christ

Fool for Christ

“ ‘It’s a ghost’, they said, and cried out in fear” I suppose seeing the shape of a man walking across water is weird. I can’t imagine what I would have done. But then the shape spoke saying “It is I. Don’t be afraid”. In other words “Relax, this isn’t bad, it’s me!” Well yes; it was Jesus; it wasn’t bad, but it was scary!
Most people experience fear when confronted with the supernatural.