Eye for Eye

Eye for Eye

‘An eye for an eye’ is one of the most quoted statements of the Bible. Like many people today the Jews in Jesus’ day quoted it as justification to take personal revenge. But this was not the original purpose of the term, and in his sermon on a hill overlooking the sea of Galilee Jesus corrected the error.

Curtain Call

Curtain Call

Everyone both loved and feared the One behind the curtain. Once a year when the High Priest went behind it, they all waited with a sense of awe. Would he live? Would he hear the voice? Would he return glowing like Moses? The priests lived in tension with that curtain. There were times when it frustrated them; when they most needed the blessing of the Almighty they couldn’t go in. But there were times when they were grateful for it; when sin was rife no one desired the Holy Light.

Cornelius’ House

Cornelius’ House

Peter walked into a room of Romans – Cornelius’ family and friends. While he was speaking the Spirit descended on them and they began to praise God. It was a baptism from above; Gentiles were joined to Jews in Christ. Can you imagine a room of Romans praising Israel’s God? I would like to have been there!

Building with the Father

Building with the Father

How exciting it is to build your own house. A new house is a vision being born, an idea becoming reality. The layout and the style are your ideas and you watch with eagerness as each brick is laid. You want the very best materials and the best workmanship because this house is yours.
You and I have a Father who is building a house, and he is excited about it. His passion for his house is revealed in Jesus’ fiery cleansing of the temple (Jn 2). This was his Father’s house!

Born of Water

Born of Water

Jesus said we must be ‘born of water and the Spirit.’ What does it mean to be born of water? As we look through the Old Testament we see that God’s people were often born of water. And the New Testament tells us why it’s still essential for Christians today.

Then a Rooster Crowed

Then a Rooster Crowed

Why don’t they shut up! Can’t they see how dangerous this is? A few more glanced his way, “Surely you are one of them; your accent gives you away?” Peter looked up trying to keep his face in the shadows. Then enforcing his reply with an oath he said, “I don’t know the man!” At that moment a rooster crowed, and as Peter glanced to where they held Jesus, he saw Jesus looking straight back. He wasn’t smiling. Ouch, it was like a dagger to the heart.