Each article here is based on a sermon given in our church, but re-composed for the comfort of reading. We have many more that will be uploaded soon.

The Bible teaches us to confess ‘Jesus is Lord’ and to confess our sins to one another, but does it teach us to confess what is positive. This little study reveals that Jesus and Paul did not bother with what was positive; they just spoke what was true. Read more
Why don’t they shut up! Can’t they see how dangerous this is? A few more glanced his way, “Surely you are one of them; your accent gives you away?” Peter looked up trying to keep his face in the shadows. Then enforcing his reply with an oath he said, “I don’t know the man!” At that moment a rooster crowed, and as Peter glanced to where they held Jesus, he saw Jesus looking straight back. He wasn’t smiling. Ouch, it Read more
Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit and fire (Luke 3.16). We may well ask what it means to be baptized with fire. Perhaps the account of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego gives us a good example. They were thrown into a fire that separated them from all the idol worshippers and they emerged from it as men who could be trusted and empowered. The fire that Jesus baptizes with is not natural fire but it does produce similar results. Read more
Look at a full moon on a clear night. Its light is captivating, something that has inspired both poems and paintings. But this light is borrowed. It is just a reflection of the sun. Take away the sun and the moon cannot shine; but remove the moon and the sun will continue to blaze with light undaunted. Such is the relationship between the sacrifice of Isaac and the sacrifice of Jesus on ‘the mountain of the Lord.’ Abraham’s willingness to Read more
“Jews getting baptized?” queried Joshua, his eyebrows raised in surprise. “Yes, lots from all over Judea,” said Zaccheus, “And not just common folk either. You remember that educated guy from Alexandria, Apollos? I saw him too!” “But we’re Jews, Zach! Why do we need to be baptized? We are God’s people!” “Well you should hear the preacher. He said some interesting stuff Josh. He said the Messiah is among us, that his rule is about to begin, and that when Read more
Jesus was tempted to flee and live but decided to obey and die. Today Christians being beheaded in Iraq are facing similar decisions. What trials are you facing? Financial? Marital? Fortunately when things are dark and confusing we can look to Gethsemane and follow what Jesus did. Read more
If the local church is strong, the whole church is strong. God’s world-wide church is designed to work in family groups. It’s vital that every believer be passionate about their local church. Read more
“Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false.” This is what Jesus said about Nathanael. Mary Magdalene, Matthew the tax collector, James and John the Sons of Thunder, were not known for their spirituality, but they were genuine. Jesus could help the honest sinner, but not those with religious masks. Read more
After Judas left the room, Jesus taught the rest of his disciples to remain in him. He said “I am the vine, you are the branches … remain in me and I will remain in you.” No more disciples left. Sure, Peter got pruned, but then he bore lots of fruit. Read more
Vineyard Mombasa is called to be a new wineskin – a new structure for God’s wine. In an age where much of the church is being criticized for falseness we aim to be real and to reach those the religious cannot reach... Read more
At the Ascension the angels asked ‘Why are you looking into the sky?’ Were these angels dumb, or were they making a point? Definitely the latter; the disciples were to forget about when Jesus would return and get on with being obedient... Read more
Some were sceptical. There was power. Two were healed; a few spoke under inspiration. It was supernatural, but was it good. Many had abandoned the magic arts to follow Christ and the new power felt different; it left them with a bubbly joy. But was it really God? Read on at … Read more

More posts to be uploaded soon