John’s Nativity – The Word became Flesh

John’s Nativity – The Word became Flesh

No baby, no manger, no shepherds, no wise men, no guiding star, not even a virgin! This is John’s nativity – he omits them all. For John Christmas is simply: the Word became flesh. Not as cute as the baby, not the stuff that inspires awesome snow scenes, but it has the same conclusion: Jesus is Emmanuel – God with us. Or put John’s way – the Word become flesh.

Our Ishmael & God’s Isaac

Our Ishmael & God’s Isaac

If God promised you a child would you expect it to happen through your maid? No! You would expect your wife to conceive. Abraham’s decision to have a child through Hagar the maid was an act of unbelief. Even in a culture where barren women occasionally resorted to having children through servants, you would not expect a promise of God to be fulfilled that way. And Abraham knew this!

Honesty with Scripture

Honesty with Scripture

Jesus often got angry with the religious leaders of his day. One of the things that angered him most was their traditions. Their traditions were their rules and practices that they imposed on everyone based on their interpretation of scripture. On one occasion Jesus said to them, “You nullify the word of God for the sake of your traditions.” This was when the Pharisees accused him and his disciples of not washing their hands before eating. There is no command in scripture telling ordinary Jews to do this.

The Heart of Worship

The Heart of Worship

Mary had washed Jesus’ feet; all they required was a dab of perfume. It had been an opportune moment. She and Martha were so grateful for what Jesus had done for Lazarus and the dinner was a big ‘thank you’. Mary told the servants to take a break as it would be an honour for her to cleanse Jesus’ feet, and it would give her the perfect opportunity to sit where the men normally did and ask a few questions.

Handing out the bread of life

Handing out the bread of life

The news was out. The Galilean teacher had fed 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish. There were many poor in the area. They had found the teacher in another town and wanted him to do it again. But he knew their motives, they wanted food and didn’t care who provided it. Jesus said “Do not work (strive) for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life” (27).  I know this situation well.