Baptism in fire

Baptism in fire

Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit and fire (Luke 3.16). We may well ask what it means to be baptized with fire. Perhaps the account of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego gives us a good example. They were thrown into a fire that separated them from all the idol worshippers and they emerged from it as men who could be trusted and empowered. The fire that Jesus baptizes with is not natural fire but it does produce similar results.

Isaac’s Easter

Isaac’s Easter

Look at a full moon on a clear night. Its light is captivating, something that has inspired both poems and paintings. But this light is borrowed. It is just a reflection of the sun. Take away the sun and the moon cannot shine; but remove the moon and the sun will continue to blaze with…

A Voice in the Desert

A Voice in the Desert

“Jews getting baptized?” queried Joshua, his eyebrows raised in surprise. “Yes, lots from all over Judea,” said Zaccheus, “And not just common folk either. You remember that educated guy from Alexandria, Apollos? I saw him too!” “But we’re Jews, Zach! Why do we need to be baptized? We are God’s people!” “Well you should hear…

The Need to Be Real

The Need to Be Real

“Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false.” This is what Jesus said about Nathanael. Mary Magdalene, Matthew the tax collector, James and John the Sons of Thunder, were not known for their spirituality, but they were genuine. Jesus could help the honest sinner, but not those with religious masks.